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The Realm blog

Lady Rhiannon
May 23, 20192 min read
Rituals and Spell crafting
For many of us rituals are an important part of our path. Spellcrafting as well. I am one of those people, however I do not always have...
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Lady Rhiannon
Jul 15, 20183 min read
Witching on a budget
One of the many things I love, love LOVE about paganism is for the most part there is no right or wrong on how to get started, and how...
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Lady Rhiannon
Jul 1, 20186 min read
The Book of Shadows
A Book of Shadows can also be called a Book of magick, or a Magickal Grimoire. A Book of Shadows is very important for every witch or...
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Lady Rhiannon
Jun 24, 20182 min read
Witches Altars.
Altars, is it necessary for witches to have one? In short, yes. I feel it is. However how the altar is set up and the size and permanence...
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Lady Rhiannon
Jun 24, 20184 min read
Grounding and Protection
When you hear grounding, do you think of when you were a child and got into trouble? While, that may be one way of thinking of it. When...
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Lady Rhiannon
Jun 21, 20186 min read
All about smudging.
We all have heard at one point in our life that we need to clear our space. But what exactly does that mean? how important is it? How do...
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Lady Rhiannon
Jun 21, 20185 min read
The wheel of the year.
Once again, the wheel has turned full circle. … Be reborn this night, as the great wheel of life must ever turn. The wheel represents a...
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